


Project management can make or break a software product: Here’s how


Building a best-in-class product with a good cost-to-value ratio - and getting it to market as fast as possible - is the pinnacle of excellent software development. And of course, this is not an easy feat to pull off. Project management is one of the most significant factors that determines which software projects ultimately run smoothly, and which get derailed.

So what exactly is project management? Project management encompasses the coordination and oversight of all human and material resources throughout a full project life cycle. Project managers determine and apply the skills and tools needed to complete a project in accordance with the designated timeline, budget, and quality standards.

Why is project management important?

Great project management leads to the outcome of getting a high quality product to market as quickly and efficiently as possible. Poor project management, on the other hand, can result in errors, costly time and budget overruns, and even the creation of an inferior product.

Unfortunately, strong project management practices still haven’t been implemented in quite a few organizations. According to a survey by Wellingtone, only 32% of professionals are at least somewhat satisfied with their organization’s current level of project management maturity. With a lack of great project management in the market in general, it’s important to recognize what to look for when building out your own product.

What does great project management look like?

A sound software project management process includes employing best practices at each stage of the Software Development Life Cycle:

1. Planning & Analysis Stage

The software project manager first gathers and organizes the business requirements for the product. This typically includes both interviewing stakeholders and conducting market research. Next the requirements are analyzed to determine the feasibility of the project, and if all looks good, the project scope and deliverables are defined.

Defining the project scope includes setting a timeline, estimating costs, and determining which resources will be required to successfully complete the project. Necessary resources include skilled team members, tools, and technologies. Schedules, procedures, deadlines, and key performance indicators (KPIs) also need to be set.

2. Design Stage

The high-level system architecture will need to be designed next. The project manager transforms the requirements into detailed specifications for all components and functionality. The full architecture, from the back-end database to the front-end user interface, must be taken into consideration, including any necessary security features.

A risk assessment will be conducted, and plans formulated to head off potential problems in advance. Some initial documentation may be created, and decisions will be made regarding how the various technologies and team members involved in the project will be utilized for maximum efficiency.

3. Implementation Stage

The implementation (i.e. building) stage is when the coding of the application actually commences. The development process progresses incrementally and iteratively in order to reduce costs and catch problems quickly. The project manager regularly evaluates the project’s progress and communicates frequently with all stakeholders, including the provision of regular status updates.

The project manager also sets both individual and team goals and assigns tasks as needed to ensure that all resources are optimally utilized. Team meetings are scheduled at regular intervals with succinct and action-oriented agendas so that issues are quickly identified and resolved.

4. Testing & Integration Stage

Quality assurance testing is implemented at set intervals and overseen by the project manager to ensure that all requirements are being met and that the code is working properly. New features are gradually implemented and tested via a continuous integration process. Only thoroughly tested code will be sent to production.

5. Deployment & Maintenance Stage

During the deployment stage, the fully tested final product is released to real users. The project manager conducts a project evaluation, including a wrap-up reflection with the entire team. The product documentation is also finalized and released. Once the product has gone live, training and technical support are provided, updates are rolled out as needed, and new features are added as desired.

How will your software project be managed?

At Basecode we understand how critical great project management is to the success of your software product, which is why we always implement project management best practices at every step of the project life cycle. Contact us to find out more about how we can exceptionally manage your project.

David Andreu