Different. By design.

Basecode: Atypical Firm.

Our peers think our approach is backwards. We agree.

Basecode is a firm who’s manifesto and modus operandi has been tempered
by years of pragmatism and real-world “getting it done”.
We do things differently and we’re proud of it.


meaningful ways in which we differ from other firms

They bill hourly.
We quote fixed prices.

They focus on tasks (to conform to hourly billing).
We focus on outcomes.

They don't guarantee their work.
We offer a pay-what-you-want guarantee.

They send “piñata invoices” with 56 line items.
We send one invoice per month with a single line item.

They masterfully argue the work behind time sheets.
We don't track time spent - only progress towards desired outcomes.

They prescribe solutions quickly and by gut-feeling.
We, like doctors, believe that prescription without diagnostics is malpractice.

They focus on metrics that look good.
We focus on metrics that matter.

They subscribe to Minimum Viable Product (MVP) development.
We subscribe to Simple, Lovable & Complete (SLC) product development.

They work in secrecy and present client progress in grand reveals.
We substitute grand presentations with open communication & collaboration.

They only allow you to talk with project managers.
We allow real-time communications with anyone on the team.

They write their standards on their walls and hope the staff complies.
We have systems in place to guarantee compliance with our exacting standards.

They take on as many clients as possible.
We have a strict limit of 4 engagements per year - by design.

They care deeply about winning awards and accolades.
We care deeply about winning referrals.

They spend a fortune on advertising.
We spend that same fortune on deepening our expertise and growing our comfort zones.

They only work with Agile methodology (because it makes them appear pro).
We use various processes, using your desired outcome as the only immovable north star.

They outsource copywriting because it’s a tedious addition to the interface.
We appreciate that copywriting is not “an addition to the interface”, it is the interface.

They rush to get started right away (again, the hourly rate thing...).
We take the time required to measure twice, code once.

They often say yes and accept most feature requests.
We understand that the secret to great code (and great user experiences) is to write less of it.

They leave testing as purchasable "add-ons".
We only build test-driven applications.

They're terrified of audits & code reviews.
We have a handshake process to welcome third-party auditors.

They build software only they can maintain.
We build software your team can maintain.

They care about stretching timelines (again, a profit thing).
We're financially incentivized to reach your desired outcomes as early as possible.

They're fond of adopting fads in technology (because it sells).
We're opinionated and take software curation seriously (because it's proven).

They have a team of software developers and designers.
We're a team of business consultants first, design and software experts second.

They focus on the fact that technology can grow your sales & conversions.
We focus on the fact that well-designed software has the potential to10x your valuation.

They desperately want your software to do more, more and more!
We desperately want your software to do less, but far better.

They diverge and expand.
We converge and simplify.

They are generalists.
We are specialists.

Basecode is Atypical Firm.

Learn more about our process ⟶


Share your aspirations. We’ll supply the inspiration.