


7 innovative trends in custom software development for 2021

Our digital world is constantly evolving as numerous new advanced technologies emerge every year. Capitalizing on the best and most relevant technological innovations can be key to optimizing business operations and gaining a competitive edge.

Nearly all organizational processes now rely on some type of software. Software facilitates our communications, stores and organizes our information, and helps us do our jobs with maximum effectiveness and efficiency. Understanding the future of software is vital to understanding the future of business operations.

One major advantage of building your own custom software is the flexibility to design your product to harness the power of the latest and best technologies. And there are plenty of compelling reasons to do so. For example, according to Gartner 56% of CEOs reported that implementing digital improvements has increased their business profits.

Here are seven current technology trends shaping the future of custom software development:

1. Artificial Intelligence

An increasing number of organizations are adopting Artificial Intelligence solutions to facilitate their business operations. As IT systems increase in complexity, AI can be used to automate certain core processes, integrate different platforms, and better manage data.

Automated speech recognition technology, for example, is experiencing particularly high growth in demand as companies implement it to monitor and improve their customer service. AI is also increasingly being used to optimize software development processes via applications such as rapid prototyping, automated testing, and automatic code refactoring.

2. Big Data Computing

As the volume and variety of data collected and managed by organizations continues to grow, big data computing is becoming increasingly essential for most businesses. Bigger data requires more powerful tools for effective management, storage and analysis.

In order to maximize the value of their data, some organizations are turning to data-as-a-service solutions, while others have recognized a need for custom software to automate advanced data analysis at scale. Edge computing (computing done near the data source) is also on the rise as organizations seek to improve speed and save bandwidth.

3. Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is no longer just a finance thing. A blockchain database stores data in a unique manner wherein data resides in a chain of data blocks. Blockchain’s digital transaction ledger can easily be duplicated and distributed across an entire network.

Because distributed ledgers are ideal for storing and sharing large volumes of data, they are now being used for an increasing number of applications in different industries. Complex trades like supply chain management have recently garnered strong interest in blockchain technology to facilitate their operations. As blockchain grows in popularity, there is an increasing demand for the development of complementary software to seamlessly integrate the technology.

4. Cloud Services

The use of cloud computing services rose in tandem with the past year’s explosion in remote work - and it looks like the popularity of the cloud is locked into a continued upward trajectory. Many organizations have found that cloud solutions save on costs, streamline processes, and scale more easily than traditional alternatives.

However, simply transitioning to the cloud doesn’t instantaneously cut expenses or improve performance in and of itself. Cloud systems must be strategically designed, implemented, analyzed, and optimized to effectively capitalize on their potential benefits. Hybrid and multi-cloud adoption is also on the rise, further increasing complexity and the need for advanced security solutions.

5. Internet of Things

The Internet of Things encompasses an entire ecosystem of interconnected devices capable of collecting and transferring data amongst themselves with little or no human intervention. From smart thermostats that automatically adjust the temperature of your home when you sleep and wake to smart dryers that can sense when your clothing is dry, a plethora of IoT devices now exist in daily life with more on the way.

As IoT finds its way into an increasing number of businesses and homes, along with it comes the need for software systems capable of powering smart devices and managing their data. Sensors must be programmed, interfaces designed, and systems set up for connectivity and data processing.

6. Low-code/No-code Development

Efforts to improve the speed and efficiency of software development have propagated the recent rise of low-code and no-code development platforms. Such platforms make application development more accessible to those without strong expertise in a coding language, and may also decrease development time for those who do have coding expertise.

That said, even no-code development still requires a certain level of technical competence, and building a complex application will always require a strong understanding of software development best practices and product requirements. A business professional who is not an expert software developer may be able to assemble a very basic application or add components to an existing application using a low or no-code tool.

7. Progressive Web Applications

Progressive web applications use APIs (application programming interfaces) to deliver enhanced capabilities beyond those of traditional web applications yet are still built with a single code base and accessible on all browsers and devices. Thus they have the broad reach and efficiency of a web application combined with some of the advanced features of a native app.

On account of their many benefits, PWAs have become increasingly prevalent in recent years. However, while they may seem at first glance to be the best of both worlds, a thorough analysis of business needs and product requirements may reveal that either a native application or a standard application is best for a given use case.

Build a better future

Are you ready to put the power of the best cutting edge technologies to work for your business? Here at Basecode, we help you build custom software solutions using the advanced technologies that serve your organization best - both today and in the years to come. Contact us to learn more.

David Andreu